Yesterday was a backyard show day, with a band from Europe (The guy from Lichtenstein was amazing) and my lovely lions. I'm so proud of them, and they let me sing a couple of songs with them. I've only been to a couple of these shows this summer, I've not been feeling the punked out vibe this year, but a backyard bbq is hard to resist when you have no money, and the mood of the afternoon was mellow.

I had my first grateful bowl today. For those not in the know, the Grateful Cafe is a cafe that does mostly raw vegan food based in Berkeley. All their dishes are named after affirmations. It's kind of brilliant in that most Berkeley of ways. The grateful bowl is their community offering of brown rice, black beans, kale and a spicy green cilantro dressing, generously poured. You buy it for what you can pay. Also, it's incredibly delicious, better than I thought it would be. Some people pay 10$, some, who are poor, like me, pay 1$. Most pay somewhere in between. I have to say, for all my opposition to the cult like atmosphere, It made me smile and blush when the Question of the day was offered: What do you want to be acknowledged for and I answered "Being Awesome". When she actually did acknowledge me for that, I squirmed a little, but in a nice way. I sat down and ate, and picked up the book next to me written by the founder of the company. Insights a plenty, and not enough time to take them all in.
Also, I wrote this short note because sitting on my bar stool eating my grateful bowl, I had a hammer of self confidence just slam into me. My response:
Oh wow, hey confidence. Where have you been? Way to come out of left field like a ton of bricks. Sure, I'd love to dance. I wouldn't mind keeping you around for a while longer either. Love, Ashley
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