Adventure: Noun: An unusual and exciting, typically hazardous, experience or activity.
Fiasco: A thing that is a complete failure, esp. in a ludicrous way. (Ludicrous: Causing or deserving laughter because of absurdity)
This was my day:
Wake Up at 10:30, groan because I didn't go to sleep till 6:00AM, nap till 11:15, open eyes, sit up. Groan more. 11:45, get text that says meet at 1:00pm instead of 12:00. Much better. Get up, get dressed, make Dark Wizard Lemonade, pack up the bike, ride to Mosswood, almost get killed 2 blocks from my house when a lady runs a stop sign and only sees me at the last minute, be real scared for a minute, logically think I should wear a helmet more, illogically think I'm invincible. Bottom line: Today was not my day to die, however Death, you're getting a little too close for comfort. Step off bro.
Meet up with the peeps at Mosswood, ride to the tunnel, ride through the tunnel, find route to Park ave, Devin gets a flat, Devin fixes the flat, Devin gets a flat, stop at Stone Cyclery to fix the flat, walk through the food and wine festival for a block, decide it's hell, ride up a block, meet the rest of our group at Trader Joes, ride to the beach, a block away, find a spot, eat hella good food, drink tecate, run into the ocean, dry off in the sun,
discover that Celina has two flats and Devin has another flat. Send an exploratory group to Big 5, while the rest of us decide to drink the bottle of wine while we wait for the return of said exploratory group. Wine drunk in 10 minutes, group migrates to Big 5 where we hang out in the lounge chairs out front until the flats are all fixed, ride home.

It was ridiculous and fun, and I'm glad I was with everyone I was with.
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