Friday, June 3, 2011


I really like that word, brainstorms. I've taken to picking up words and consciously deciding to write in notebooks things that strike me. I have yet to get a pocket notebook, but I think it would be a useful thing to have, since I seem to forget things easier these days and all the creatively sparky people I know carry them.

Here are some excerpts from what I picked up this week:

Colors: Blue, Purple, Light green, birch string tree, tahoe blanket.

Sacred places: Camp, the place where I most belong, am most myself, and have yet to take a lover, though one man stood outside it's gates with me once.

I am a very serious person.

I am a very free person.

I am a seriously free person.

wide open, wide open: eyes, hands, arms, mind, heart

tear my heart wide open (rip the walls away)
hold my arms wide open (let the right one in)

No one likes to be left out, let down (Studying what exclusion means to me)

I look out for you, I care for you

And this has been my mantra:

"Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves. Do not now seek the answers which cannot be given to you, because you would not be able to live them, and the point, is to live everything. Live the questions now."~ Ranier Maria Rilke

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